Saturday, May 9, 2015

Earthquake Minute For May 8, 2015

There was a 7.1 Richters Earthquake at Papua New Guinea on Thursday and that was now the 4th in a series of Big Earthquakes along with hundreds of other big earthquakes that have struck out there in those PNG Islands. . . . . and wouldn't you KNOW IT. . . all started with that May 2015 FULL MOON!!!!! No Kidding!!!
LOTS of things could happen next, here, now!!! Surely this huge Earthquake Swarm WILL PROBABLY Migrate!!! They usually do, and one place might be ICELAND!!! Big Volcano Warning for up there!

Do you know that our sky was not always BLUE, and scientists believe it was a big volcano such as Mt. Tambora's Major Eruption in 1815 that FIRST caused the year with no summer because volcanic ash was spewed so far into the Stratosphere, THEN when the sun finally DID re-appear it was very BLUE!!! And the sky has simply remained blue ever since!!! Curiously there were NO paintings ever with todays brilliant blue sky, OR orange sunsets and there was PLENTY of blue paint!!! They say the sky was yellow and sunsets were green!!!

WHAT Could happen next!!! Something Major WILL Follow all of this shaking at PNG!!! Could be a HUGE Iceland Volcano, OR next Massive Earthquake -Tsunami Event! Earthquakes CAN go as high as 10 on the Richter Scale!!! THIS Could be what we are looking at today!!! Tsunami's can reach OVER a thousand feet high, one in Alaska was that big once!!!

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I am The EQ Guy and this has been Earthquake Minute!!!

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