Sunday, October 30, 2011

East Coast Shaker = Around Albany, New York? Say 4.9 Richters!!!

Yes, they should be getting a good shaker out East in the coming days and so I chose the area around Albany, New York where they do commonly get some shakers every now and then. I'll say 4.9 Richters Magnitude, but it could go as high as a 5.5? EQ Guy

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Severe Winter Conditions on East Coast!!!!!

Note that the conditions they are getting this weekend on our East Coast might mean a Major Earthquake at any moment out East like Boston Area, or New York of around 4 or 5 Richters. Possibly again that Richmond Area, but I am not sure how much snow Richmond is getting and this earthquake energy should probably be centered around the regions getting the severe winter conditions. These are also the sort of conditions that have preceded a lot of big earthquakes such as NorthRidge and Great Alaska Earthquake. . . albeit much, much more wintery and covering the whole country usually!!! EQ Guy

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Two Typhoons at Philippines!!! Shakers at Japan/China??? African Rift? Chile/Argentina/Sao Paulo?

There have been two major typhoons striking at the Philippines with one possibly having been given Super Typhoon status. The one they are showing today traveled due west towards the Indian Ocean Tectonic Plate. This could mean an earthquake at Japan or China (I also see Africa and Chile in the distance, there, Italy?), however I want to continue my focus on California and the full moon coming on October 11, 2011 so I might not track this new Major Earthquake Energy. Please feel free to take on this task while I spend all my time being concerned for my friends in Northern California and especially Eureka and Coos Bay! Thank-You! EQ Guy