Thursday, October 7, 2021

Mojave And Cumbre Vieja Volcano "Earthquake Minute" The Script/Transcript:

Hi, EQ Guy Here. . . The Cumbre Vieja Volcano in the Canary Islands Continues to do a lot of erupting and today I want to note it is actually ON the African Tectonic Plate, there, and directly across the Atlantic from landfall of Hurricane Grace at Yucatan Peninsula on August 19, 2021 or about a hundred miles NORTH of that line, there!!!

As of Sunday there’s now also been reported that Mt. Kiluea in Hawaii also shaking, and I believe I seen where one in Guatemala was also erupting last week, too, so I want to take this moment to  remind you we are watching Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Hood Regions and there are other volcanoes up there in that region, too, and in the past I have seen where many volcanoes can erupt like all at once, as if there is a connection between them causing that and beyond simple plate tectonics, too!  I mean watch for more and keep a close eye on Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Hood a while, yet!!!

Do note the Alert for as high as a 7.6 On The Richter Scale applies only to the regions around Kashmir, Kathmandu, Myanmar, and New Zealandddddd!!!!  I’m now updating the potential magnitude of possible earthquakes for L.A., Frisco, Kodiak Island, King Salmon, and Santiago to about a 6.5 there!!!  THIS especially due to the fact that the San Francisco Bay Area got a couple fairly good sized ones over the weekend including a 3.0 And a 3.4 San Francisco Bay Area!!! Where there is not just today, but always chance they could get much bigger earthquake, there!  There was also a 3.6 Mojave in that sequence, there, too!

Now, especially continue to watch Long Beach, L.A., Santa Barbara, and the San Francisco Bay Area for big time earthquake, and talking about volcanoes. . . One of them can shoot lava into the stratosphere at some point!  Such as the biggest volcanoes in all of history have done in the past!!!

My EQ Blog

For The EQ Alert Radio Network, I am The EQ Guy. . . And This has been “Earthquake Minute”!!!

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