Friday, July 20, 2018

Lava Bomb "Earthquake Minute" For July 20, 2018, Transcript:

Hi, EQ Guy Here. . .It’s all about that Mt. Kilauea Volcano these days!!! (And) Did you hear the one about the “Lava Bomb” the size of a basketball crashed through the roof of a tour boat. . . Injuring 23 people, as you might imagine a RED HOT ball of molten lava the size of a basketball would do!

Currently over 700 homes destroyed there and 700 acres of new land, like 500 football fields, Although they’re not certain who owns all that new land, yet.

LOTS of other things shaking currently, too, and one of the places we’re watching is over around that cave where the soccer team was just rescued from. As big as a 7.5 for that Burma, Myanmar Region. . . AND around Iquique, and Chile, too!!!

Finally just seen in the Official Prediction for Canada, Chicago, Indiana, and New Madrid Regions, that Day 60 IS COMING on July 27, so keep on a watching there!! And I’m The EQ Guy!

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