Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Jim Berkland R.I.P. "Earthquake Minute" For Pacifica Radio Network: Transcript:

Hi, EQ Guy Here!!!

I'm very sorry to have to report to you today the death of Jim Berkland!!! Great Loss To Earthquake Biz!!! I'll Miss Jim!!! God Bless Him!!! I have always had the most respect for all his work in the field of Earthquake Prediction and especially all his work with predicting that resulted in having predated the World Series Earthquake by something like a day or so!!!

Most famously there was one newspaper article in the "Gilroy Dispatch" that was calling that earthquake the "World Series Quake". . . DAYS before it shook there!!! Jim will be greatly missed and expressing my deepest sympathy to his family, friends and his community, there!!!

Speaking of Earthquake Predictions, I have ONE coming up for February 9 that could shake South of Lima, Peru at anytime now! Line continues on past Agua Caliente to those mountains there and a town called Assis, Brazil.

Still a lot of Severe Winter Conditions on Today the Anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake and getting LOTS of shaking south of Juneau, Alaska and the Great Alaska Earthquake was ALSO preceded by Severe Winter Conditions!!! So Watch West Coast, California, and Alaska for Earthquakes. . .and watch Peru for that 7.6 to 8 Richters Shaker between now February 9, 2017

Again Sorry for the loss of Jim Berkland, For Pacifica Radio Network, Iiiii am The EQ Guy

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