Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Anniversary of 2003 Paso Robles/San Simeon Earthquake, Pacifica "Earthquake Minute" Transcript:

Hi, EQ Guy Here. . .

December 23 will be the anniversary of the Paso Robles Earthquake also/known/as 2003 San Simeon Earthquake and one of my VERY FIRST Big Alerts for California which I sent out back in those days via E-Mail to a lot of folks who are still some of my best followers!!!
THIS, because of the correlation between the most severe of winter conditions, and Major Earthquakes that seemmmmmmm to follow.

Along that lines the first of those BIG Earthquakes at New Madrid struck on December 16, 1811 and became a whole series of December, January, and February Earthquakes!
Keep Watching for Earthquakes around Bangladesh-Myanmar-Burma, and the Seattle Region could still get 7 Richters BEFORE December 24th

AND a whole lot of small shaking around California COULD always lead to something bigger!!! Always be prepared there!!!

This has been Earthquake Minute, and I am the EQ Guy

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