Friday, July 22, 2016

TSUNAMI "Earthquake Minute" For July 22, 2016 Transcript:

Hi, EQ Guy Here!!!

I should probably mention the fact that the SIZE of an Earthquake we’re watching for in Chile, although it COULD cross up into the mountains of Argentina, there’s ALSO the chance that it could strike OFFSHORE There and with the possibility of it being as big as 8 or 9 Richters. . . . .That COULD mean a Really Big Tsunami!!!!!

Reason I mention it today is we COULD be looking at the latest of those BIGGGG Tsunami’s that cover the entire Pacific Ocean. . .Including a lot of our West Coast!!!

So it might be a good time for folks listening out there to know your Tsunami Evacuation Routes because they DO have to use them!

They’ve had Big Tsunami’s before, and they will have them again and just a chance this could turn into one of those!!!

So, continue to watch Copiopo, Chile, and Argentina for like 8.3 Richters, as well as the Sumatra Region where they could also get a Major Earthquake--Tsunami Event before all this is over!!!

Tsunami IS the word today!

I’m The EQ Guy, and this has been “Earthquake Minute”!!!

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