Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Pacifica Radio Network 'Banda Aceh "Earthquake Minute" Transcript:

Hi, EQ Guy Here!!!

Be Watching around Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, and The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Region now for as big as a 7 Richters Major Earthquake . . .and mayyyybe even bigger for those 'Middle of the Ocean' places since they tend to SHAKE. . Quite a lot more than other fault lines!

Japan is next along the straight line and I'm also right now thinking THAT could also now be a bigger shaker, too! In fact i want to go so far as to say as big as 7 .9 Richters and yes this COULD. . .be a Tsunami coming, too!!!

Tropical Storm Bonnie made landfall this weekend near Charleston, and Charleston has had a Major Earthquake before, too! AND the landfall of Hurricane Irene at Puerto Rico in 2011 came to preceed the 5.9 Washington, DC Earthquake!!! ALSO the landfall of Hurricane Hugo also at Charleston in 1989 preceeded the Great World Series Earthquake, so be watching there, although this is nowhere near the size of a windstorm as either of those other two!!!

Sooooooo, be watching around Banda Aceh and that Sumatra Region for 7 Richters as well as around Richmond, and California could get some of either of these!!!!!

You can follow me on Facebook at "EQ Guy" and this has been "Earthquake Minute"!!!!!

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