Tuesday, March 11, 2014


This Official Prediction was originally composed in the wake of the swarm of earthquakes that was shaking the Virginia City Region and I had predicted would migrate to the Mammoth Lakes Region which it did. The original version has a very deliberate discussion concerning the certainty of a Major Earthquake striking Eureka, California and as a result of the apparent accuracy of that writing, I thought it necessary to formally extend it if nothing else for the purpose of demonstrating how the 6.9 at Eureka, California on March 10, 2014 was easily covered by the original just absent this extension having been filed timely.

The main body of this Official Prediction can still be viewed here: http://www.earthquakealert3.blogspot.com/2014/01/official-prediction-for-earthquake-as.html AND it explains in full, how such huge swarms have a history of traveling to other shaky spots and also of coming to precede Major Earthquakes.

Today I want to submit to the Councils an updated window by which we should probably continue to watch California and several other places for this now huge movement of the North American Tectonic Plate that I believe has been going on since the Virginia City Swarm where it likely initiated. Since the original Official Prediction was written and submitted on January 30, 2014 and with all due respect for the fact that the Virginia City Swarm itself does not have an exact fixed moment to measure time as beginning from, I now want to herein measure off the date of the original filing and now extend this O.P. through the normal number of days or the Day 43 Range. Therefore the Eureka 2014 Earthquake of 10:18pm Pacific Time on March 10, 2014 then struck on Day 39 and this Official Prediction should now be continued to run through March 23, 2014. My regular readers already know this 6.9 striking on Day 39 is well within a very good and usual day range. Sorry I didn't extend the day range sooner.

Additionally, since the landfall of the huge windstorm that I have been referring to as the “King City Vortex” there has been one other new alert added duplicating some of this same region of California and the Western United States. You can see some of that info and a great pic of the Vortex here: http://www.earthquakealert.blogspot.com/2014/03/huge-vortex-heading-for-san-francisco.html

This Extension of the January 30 Official Prediction may now also include the fact that this new earthquake energy will travel in a straight line through King City, Tulare, Lone Pine, Las Vegas, Oklahoma City, New Madrid, out into the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Montserrat and finally the line continues out into the Atlantic and intersects the island of St. Helena. It is possible this newer source of earthquake energy is only somewhat related to the March 10 shaking at Eureka and will still produce a major earthquake of it’s own origins. A separate O.P. would definitely be in order for this one and may follow, however until such paper comes into existence this write-up should be considered as notification.

Finally movement of the North American Tectonic Plate such as at Eureka, California on March 10, 2014 might be followed by more, and more additional movement of the North American Tectonic Plate and etc. such as followed a quite similar earthquake at Eureka on January 9, 2010 and was followed 3 days later on January 12, 2010 by the Haiti Earthquake.

There remains at least a small amount of earthquake energy out there and movement of at least the North American Tectonic Plate will probably continue and the Official Prediction of January 30, 2014 should be extended to March 24, 2014 and the new Official Prediction for the "King City Vortex" will run through April 13, 2014. Thank-You Again for accepting this Extension of my Official Prediction for L.A., S.F., and Eureka of January 30, 2014.

Dated March 11, 2014, By Les Brown, The EQ Alert Guy

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