Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Official Prediction Due To A Chance West Coast Or California Could Get 7.9 Richters Major Earthquake Before July 30, 2014

I routinely keep a list of all the biggest windstorms since having correlated huge windstorms with the biggest earthquakes. Upon such a windstorm striking, I log the date, windspeed, exact location, and amount of damage as best as I can with the available information. Next, I use the direction storms were traveling to do what I refer to as "Tracking Earthquake Energy" since the direction windstorms head tends to lead almost exactly to a region or place where a Major Earthquake very often strikes. Normally, I will simply post a lot of such information on what I call my EQ Blog at http://earthquakealert.blogspot.com/ but on some occasions there are potentially larger or Great Earthquakes headed for more heavily populated areas such as our West Coast or California.

Anytime I discover too much Major Earthquake Energy that I feel could affect California and/or our West Coast I consider writing and filing an "Official Prediction" with the California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, or in the case of occasional situations involving extended regions of the U.S., such as possibly Hawaii, Alaska, Pureto Rico, Washington, Oregon, New York, Virginia or other places beyond West Coast and California; then I either additionally or alone will file with the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council or CEPEC, and NEPEC as the case may be. Today I am writing and filing this Official Prediction with both "Councils" for the purpose of basically just having on file a notice that there is the possibility of as much as 7.9 Richters of earthquake energy striking our West Coast, California, or some other region along the Western Shores of the Pacific Tectonic Plate. My reasoning for such an O.P. follows.

As of this writing I have not precisely determined which of Hurricane Amanda, Boris, or Cristina all around Mexico could have been a factor in yesterdays 6.9 New Zealand, and 7.9 Alaska Islands Earthquakes. There were also now several tornadoes in recent days including Twin Tornadoes at Pilger, Nebraska, as well as other tornadoes at Wisconsin, and South Dakota. All combined my research over the years has taught me that all the earthquakes at New Zealand and Alaska yesterday could have been connected to any of those big windstorms. I am primarily looking at the landfall of Hurricane Cristina at Socorro Island, Mexico with winds of 150mph and a very healthy looking image as it whipped that island on June 14, 2014 now exactly 10 days ago and well within the amount of time I watch for movement of the Pacific Tectonic Plate to begin. It is exactly this sort of movement that I now expect to continue in the coming days and weeks that I now feel this "Official Prediction" is in order for all the places mentioned.

While not directly related to the primary information I am submitting today, the landfall of Hurricane Amanda, and Hurricane Boris sent a lot of potential earthquake energy more up towards Texas, and Oklahoma as well as New Madrid, Southern Illinois, Chicago, and Iceland where I am watching for 5.5 although do not expect this O.P. to actually cover that. I also think the cities of Washington, DC, New York, and Boston should be included in here somewhere. . . although I have no earthquake energy heading directly for them and they have had only a few tiny, tiny "Foreshocks" that don't indicate enough to worry about. Oklahoma on the other hand went from a lot of 3's into 4's which might have ushered in 5's if they hadn't stopped just hours before the New Zealand and Alaska Earthquakes of June 23, 2014.

As of yesterdays EQ Blog, I had not actually determined if we were following "Straight Line" earthquake energy or general movement of the Pacific Tectonic Plate and at that time posted Ecuador, Peru, Philippines, and Jakarta, Sumatra, Indonesia which were located directly along a theoretical straight line produced from the landfall of Hurricane Amanda at Socorro Island, Mexico. However while those Alaska Island locations are situated very near that line, the inclusion of New Zealand in that movement suggests that it is the Pacific Tectonic Plate moving and not what I call "Straight Line" activity where earthquakes appear only on a direct line produced by some of the most major landfalls of the very biggest windstorms such as the straight lines produced by Hurricane Hugo running directly to World Series Earthquake, Hurricane Katrina running directly to Islamabad Earthquake, and Cyclone Nargis running directly to Sichuan China Earthquake.

Among the tornadoes we discussed today there was a "Twin Tornado" that was a part of the tornado outbreak at Pilger, Nebraska and upon checking for past similar events I found one in 1965 at Indiana. Further research to locate an earthquake that followed produced the 1965 Olympia, Washington 6.7 Richters Earthquake 17 or 18 days later depending on what day of the 1965 Outbreak you calculate off from. These dates if incorporated into the formula of the Pilger, Nebraska, Wisconsin, and South Dakota Earthquakes brings you out theoretically at the 3rd and 4th of July, 2014 and so those two dates could be key dates to watch especially for Major Earthquake Resultants in accordance with all the information I have put forth for you today as a part of this Official Prediction!!!

Thank-You Again For Taking the time to review my submission!!! Respectfully, Les Brown, EQ Guy