Sunday, November 6, 2011

Major Issue With Earthquakes, Here!!!!! Frisco? Seattle? L.A.? Japan???

I checked the last time Oklahoma had a Major Shaker, 1952 and that year ended up being the Great Bakersfield Earthquake of like 7.5 Richters!!! Also like an 8.3 in Japan followed that last great Oklahoma Shaker, so today I have to write that this sort of Major Tectonic Plate Movement could as well shake New Madrid, St.Louis, Memphis, Southern Illinois, Chicago, or East Coast cities. I was also thinking I should mention The Azores where they are anxiously awaiting a Major Shaker, and possibly that Iceland Volcano, or Lisbon Spain. . . not having that great of an idea where the still upcoming Major Earthquakes might strike! Remember after Eureka 2010, I stated Haiti and it became the Great Haiti 2010 Earthquake, know that something Major probably WILL Shake in the coming days, with the Full Moon Thursday and for what it's worth that asteroid passing at 5pm Tuesday! Just seen Big Fork Utah had a 5.5 a week before 1952 Oklahoma Shaker, so. . . . Thank-You for reading!!! And Be Prepared Chicago!!!!! EQ Guy